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Crown of Hispania is a grand strategy game.
In this intricate strategy game set in medieval Iberia, players experience a dynamic pace of 4 ticks per day, managing provinces rich in resources, income, and population diversity, including peasants, burghers, and nobles.
Cultures like Arabs, Berbers, or Leoneses coexist alongside varied religions such as Catholicism, Islam, and Judaism.
Governments, ranging from feudal to emirate, shape diplomatic interactions, while estates like nobility and clergy wield influence.
Players command armies of diverse troop types, engage in diplomacy, and navigate the outcomes of wars determined by peace conditions.
Battles unfold tactically on strategic maps, driving the economy based on taxation and trade.
Playable characters like "Fernando of Castille" possess traits and specialties, forming courts with family dynasties and councils comprising key roles like Treasurer and Ambassador.
Missions and events enrich gameplay, alongside the creation of holy orders and the construction of economic and military buildings.
Christian nations benefit from Crusader support, while Muslim authority in Iberia is reclaimed through missions.
Managing laws, policies, and decrees, players shape their realm's destiny, integrating new technologies and unlocking bonuses over time...
Discover Iberia in the 11th century, a region disputed between Christian kingdoms and Moorish lords.
The game begins in 1035, with the death of Sanche III of Navarre, the peninsula’s greatest Christian lord. Prior to this, in 1031, the Caliphate of Cordoba collapsed, dividing the Muslims of the peninsula into more than twenty Taifas.

Take control of over thirty playable nations, more than 300 provinces, create prosperous kingdoms, build acceptance between faiths to avoid rebellion and betrayal, or wage holy war to conquer new provinces.

Thanks to a rich range of events, gameplay mechanisms and historical realism, immerse yourself in this tumultuous era for 200 years.
In the rich tapestry of medieval Iberia, faith serves as a defining element of its tumultuous history.

Initially dominated by Christianity, the arrival of the Umayyad Caliphate in the 8th Century ushered in an era of profound transformation. Over centuries, the Muslim faith permeated the region, leaving an indelible mark on its culture and society. Yet, amidst this cultural exchange, Christian communities endured, resilient and steadfast.

Now, as a player navigating the intricate dynamics of the era, you are faced with a pivotal choice: will you champion the liberation of Christian lands, seeking to reclaim lost territories and restore former glory? Or, conversely, will you embark on a quest to revive the splendor of a powerful Muslim caliphate, aiming to unite the diverse peoples of Iberia under a single banner once more?

The fate of the region hangs in the balance, awaiting your decisive action to shape its destiny.

At the dawn of our journey through medieval Iberia, the landscape is painted with a vibrant mosaic of cultures, each imbued with its own unique heritage and identity.

Among the Christians living under Muslim dominion, a distinct culture emerges known as Mozarabic, characterized by its fusion of Christian traditions with the influences of Islamic rule.
Meanwhile, the Moors, the name of the Iberian Muslims, sculpted magnificent cities and cultivated a flourishing culture, enriching the diversity of Iberian society.
In the north, a a wide variety of cultures unfolds: Catalans in the east, Galicians in the west, and Basques standing apart with their ancient roots, diverging from the post-Visigoth dialects that would later give rise to Leonese and Castilian.

Within this dynamic tableau, languages and cultures intertwine, shaping the rich History of Iberia.
Crown of Hispania's game design is currently under development.

To see the steps in the Game Design such as detailed information on the future population and province system, battle, economy etc :
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You'll be able to ask questions, request the addition of certain features, create your own future success, etc.